This is a magnificent bouquet that is made of carefully chosen flower varieties including white alstroemeria, pink peonies, white veronica and aralia leaves, wrapped with pink satin ribbon. It will shine bright like a diamond in the hands of every bridesmaid!
This arrangement contains the following flowers:
- White alstroemeria
- Pink peonies
- White veronica
- Aralia leaves
In love with this bouquet? Check out the full collection HERE
I was worried if the flowers would look exactly as the ones on the website. The truth is, they looked even more beautiful. Thank you for the professional help!!
That is the sweetest bouquet I've ever seen! I want to take the time to thank the team about everything. They were extremely sweet on the phone and took my order in no time. Great service!
Delivered on time. Good job.
Exquisite bridesmaid bouquet! Loved its name as well - sounds so romantic....
It was a real pleasure to order my wedding flowers from this company. The team is very friendly and responsive. Definitely 5 stars!
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We grow our flowers with love and care so they become your favorite.
We deliver smiles and great moments, and we do it on time.
Our wide floral range is suitable for every pocket.
Providing quality products and services continues to be our main goal and value.
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